AnsibleIL October 19, 2023

Jim Johnson, Illinois State University, Lead Configuration Management Engineer

Attendees represented Illinois State University (ISU), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Red Hat, AHEAD, and independent contractors.

Jim Johnson presented on their campus approach to managing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in the Ansible Automation Platform (AAP).

Their goal is to enable teams to join their Ansible Platform:


"Configuration as code is the key to provision and deploy fast."

Security up front

Security by set up (Standard operating environment), resulting in vastly improved security posture and reduced overhead for app owners.


Automate the human process of 'request and check' as much as possible.


Direct integration with sources of truth. "It's cool to see tagging come together across the environment with Ansible."


Lower the barrier to entry and empower teams to write their own automation.

Resources set up in AAP for each team in the Ansible Automation Platform:

Their RBAC setup is based around Organizations and Teams in AAP. They use AD group mapping, so users do not need to be individually added to AAP. Users automatically gain access and privileges based on their campus AD group membership.

Objects can be shared between Organizations, but the AAP admin team needs to help share the objects across orgs.

They do need to enforce Inventory host naming conventions, since some hosts are members of multiple inventories. With consistent naming, even if a host is in multiple Inventories, it will not count more than once against the subscription quantity.

System tagging is a core part of their RBAC across the board. Tagging standards in private and public clouds are used to filter systems to only the team's resources.

In some cases, AAP is being used as an automation RBAC/deploy/audit wrapper around existing code (like Powershell). In other cases, the certified content is reducing code maintenance versus writing, running, and maintaining custom Python scripts.

Feature request for AAP:

Notes on AWX and AAP: